Urban Worm Bag Cross Straps

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The Urban Worm Bag Cross Straps are a must-have product if you're installing the Urban Worm Bag on a slanted surface. The bag, which is designed to hang straight down, can put stress on the corner connectors when placed on a pitched surface.
The cross straps offer a simple solution, as they can easily be slipped through both corner connectors and fastened with a buckle. They effectively stiffen the frame, eliminating sway and ensuring stability.
For minimum frame stiffening, purchase the Set of 4, and place two in the back and one on each side. To determine which corners require support, simply identify the direction in which the frame leans. For example, if the frame leans to the rear, connect the top rear to the bottom forward connector.
For maximum stability, purchase the Set of 6, and place two on the left, two on the right, and two on the back to allow for easy access to the underside of the bag from the front. It's important to remember not to overtighten the straps, just remove any slack for the desired results.